Pedagogical Sciences

Author: Miguel Ángel Olivé Iglesias

Title: Pedagogical Sciences

Subtitle: The Teaching of Language and Literature, Education, Values, Patrimony and Applied IT

ISBN: 978-1-989786-33-8 = 9781989786338 – Soft cover

Trade Paperback: 446 pages – 7 X 10

Suggested Retail (Paperback): $42.95

Genre: Education; Pedagogical Science

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The book Pedagogical Sciences is an array of diverse endogenous and exogenous contents taken from language, literature, education, values, patrimony, and applied IT in multi-contexts. Across the three self-standing sections, the chapters employing different theoretical stances, have accentuated the necessity of bridging between education, human values, legacy and IT, and thus tell us in a formidable and systematic way what pedagogical sciences should refer to. This book, in a nutshell, is a comprehensive guide to students, teachers and researchers in the pertinent fields.

Prof. Shakila Nur. PhD

We welcome the book, put together by Olivé who, beyond his own contribution to it, has ably carried out his work as editor. This is, undoubtedly, a necessary and opportune book that fills a gap and, above all, paves the way towards future projects because it preserves, as the editor remarks, “the most important resource: human beings and their creation. Without them – without us – there would be no language, no literature, no education, no values, no technology and no patrimony to safeguard.”

PhD Yaquelín Cruz Palacios. Full Professor
Sub Dean. Research and Grad Courses
Chair of the Faculty´s Scientific Committee
Faculty of Communication and Arts. Holguin University

Pedagogical Sciences… raises its voice clearly to let us know where pedagogues, professors, researchers and academics are standing right now in the educational world. It will please the exigent scholar and the public. What these pages offer is concern and patrimony of all people. A must read for the scientifically inquiring mind.

Pedagogical Sciences… is a fine jewel in the jewelry case of educational research. Editor and publisher have done well in bringing this book to public eye.

Pedagogical Sciences… is one of the finest international educational research tools of its time. A must read for the scientifically enquiring academic mind. The field of Pedagogical Sciences is enriched by this book.